terms of service

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the terms and procedures of use of all services (hereinafter “Services”) provided by Fine Patent Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), and the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of users and companies.

Article 2 (Definitions)

  1. “Service” means any online service provided by the Company.
  2. “User” refers to all members and non-members who use services provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  3. “Member” means a person who has signed a service use contract with the company and has been granted a user ID.
  4. “Non-member” means a person who uses services provided by the company without registering as a member.

Article 3 (Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions)

  1. These terms and conditions take effect when posted on the service screen or notified to users by other means.
  2. The company may change these terms and conditions if deemed necessary, and the changed terms and conditions will take effect by notifying them in the same way as paragraph 1.
  3. If users do not agree to the changed terms and conditions, they can stop using the service and request membership withdrawal.

Article 4 (Signing a User Agreement)

  1. A contract of use is established when the user agrees to the contents of these terms and conditions and then the company approves the application for use.
  2. The company may not accept applications for use that fall under any of the following subparagraphs: some text
    1. If your real name is not your real name or if you have stolen someone else's name
    2. If you enter false information or do not fill in the information required by the company
    3. Other cases where it is determined that approving an application for use is significantly interfering with the company's technology

Article 5 (Change of Member Information)

If the information entered at the time of application for use is changed, members must immediately make online corrections. The company is not responsible for any disadvantages caused by not informing the company of the changes.

Article 6 (Service Hours)

As a general rule, services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless there is a special problem with the company's business or technology. However, the company may stop providing services for a certain period of time if necessary for regular inspection, expansion, and replacement of the system.

Article 7 (Restriction and Suspension of Service Use)

The Company may stop or restrict the provision of services in the following cases:

  1. Unavoidable cases due to construction, such as repair of service facilities
  2. When a user interferes with the operation of the company's services due to intentional or gross negligence
  3. When it is difficult to provide normal services due to a national emergency, equipment failure, or heavy use of services

Article 8 (Limitation of Liability)

  1. If the company is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, war, or other force majeure, it is exempt from liability for providing services.
  2. The company is not responsible for failure to use the service due to reasons attributable to the user.

Article 9 (Membership Withdrawal and Disqualification)

  1. A member can request withdrawal at any time, and the company will process the withdrawal immediately.
  2. If a member falls under any of the following reasons, the company may restrict or suspend membership.
    1. If false information was registered when applying for membership
    2. When it threatens the order of electronic transactions, such as interfering with someone else's use of services or stealing that information
    3. When acts prohibited by law or these terms and conditions or contrary to public order and morals

Article 10 (Governing Law and Competent Court)

The laws of the Republic of Korea apply to these terms and conditions and the service use contract between the company and the user, and the Seoul Central District Court shall be the competent court for disputes arising in connection with the use of this service.