Grace Period for Patent Law by Country/Region

Pine patent
August 25, 2024

INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY: This document, compiled by the WIPO SCP Secretariat, provides a general overview of grace period provisions in patent laws across various jurisdictions as of August 2024. It is not intended as a substitute for official legal texts and may not reflect the most up-to-date legislation. Consult primary legal sources for complete and accurate information.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) when the publication is made by:

(a) the applicant or his predecessor in title;
(b) a third party who had obtained information from applicant or his predecessor in title;
(c) an office and the information is found:
(i) in another application filed by the applicant or his predecessor in title and which should not have been published by the office;
(ii) in an application filed by a third party without the knowledge and the permission of the applicant or his predecessor in title, although the party received the information directly or indirectly from the applicant or his predecessor in title.
(d) the applicant or his predecessor in title has displayed the invention at an official, or officially recognized, international exhibition. The applicant shall state when filing the patent application that the invention has been so displayed and shall file a supporting certificate within the time limit and under the conditions laid down in the Implementing Regulation.


Disclosure within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) not considered accessible to the public, if due to:

  1. an act by the applicant or his predecessor in title, or
  2. an abuse by a third party in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 6 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) by the inventor or his successor in title;
    (b) of information in an application filed by the inventor which should not have been disclosed by the Office;
    (c) of information in an application filed, without the knowledge or consent of the inventor, by a person who obtained the information from the inventor;
    (d) a person who obtained the information from the inventor.
  2. The effect of the grace period may be invoked at any time.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by the inventor or his successor in title by:
    (a) any medium of communication;
    (b) display at a national or international exhibition.
  2. The application shall be accompanied by documentary supporting evidence.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) by:
    (a) the applicant or inventor;
    (b) any other person who obtained the information from the applicant or inventor.
  2. The burden of proof is on the applicant.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred:
    (a) within six months before the filing of a provisional or basic application (provided a complete application is filed within 12 months from filing of the provisional or basic application), or otherwise within 12 months before the filing of a complete application;
    (i) by showing, use or publication of the invention at a recognized exhibition;
    (ii) in a paper written by the inventor and read before, or published with the inventor's consent by or on behalf of, a learned society;
    (b) within 12 months before the filing of a provisional or basic application (provided a complete application is filed within 12 months from the filing of the provisional or basic application), or otherwise within 12 months before the filing of a complete application by working the invention in public for the purposes of reasonable trial due to the nature of the invention;
    (c) within 12 months before the filing of a complete application in Australia, where disclosure was (i) with the consent of the nominated person, patentee or predecessor in title or (ii) without consent and the information disclosed was derived from the patentee or predecessor in title;
    (d) at any time before the filing date, if the information disclosed was given by or with the consent of the patentee or predecessor in title, to the Commonwealth or a State or Territory, an authority thereof or person authorized thereby, to investigate the invention; and anything done for the purpose of such investigation.
  2. In the cases of 1.a.(i), the applicant shall:
    (a) when filing the application, state that the invention has been disclosed at the exhibition;
    (b) before the publication of the application, file a statement issued by the exhibition authority.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date:
    (a) due to an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) by display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall:
    (a) when filing the application, state that the invention has been displayed at the exhibition;
    (b) within four months after the filing date, file a certificate and a description of the invention attested by the exhibition management, and indicate the exhibition opening date and the date of the first disclosure.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) by the inventor or the applicant;
    (b) any other person who obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor or applicant.
  2. The burden of proof is on the inventor or applicant.
  3. The priority of an object displayed at an official exhibition in the territory of a State party to the Paris Convention or the World Trade Organization may be requested from the date of its public display at the exhibition, provided that the application is submitted no later than 6 months after that date (exhibition priority).


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred:

(a) by display of the invention at official or officially recognized international exhibitions, provided that the patent application shall include all the details relating to such exhibition;
(b) by an action by the applicant or with his authorization within 12 months before the filing date (priority date).


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse by a third party.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date by:
    (a) the applicant or inventor;
    (b) a person who obtained the information from the inventor or applicant.
  2. The burden of proof is on the applicant.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state in the application, at time of filing, that the invention has been so displayed, and file a certificate to that effect within a prescribed time limit.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse by a third party.


Disclosure to the public of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred within twelve months preceding the filing date or, where applicable, the priority date of the application, and if it was by reason or in consequence of acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title or of an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.

Bolivia (Plurinational State of):

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. an Office which incorrectly published the contents of the patent application filed by the inventor or his successor in title;
  3. a person who obtained the information from the inventor or his successor in title.

Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the patent applicant or his legal predecessor, or
    (b) display of the invention at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall indicate in the application at time of filing that the invention has been so displayed, and submit a certificate within a prescribed time limit.


  1. Disclosure not to be considered as part of the state of the art if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) by the inventor;
    (b) publication by the Office of a patent application based on information obtained from the inventor and filed without his consent;
    (c) by another person based on information obtained from the inventor.
  2. The Office may require a statement relating to the disclosure, possibly accompanied by proof.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) in consequence of:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at a official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall indicate in the application at the time of filing that the invention has been so displayed, and submit evidence within three months from the filing date.


Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within one year before the filing date by the applicant, or by a person who obtained knowledge from the applicant.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within twelve months before the filing date in consequence of :

  1. acts done, authorized or derived from the applicant, or;
  2. abuse and unfair practices in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title.

The applicant shall indicate in the application at the time of filing that the invention has been so displayed, and submit evidence at the time of filing and at the latest, before the application has been granted a filing date.


Hong Kong China

An invention-creation for which a patent is applied for does not lose its novelty where, within six months before the filing date, one of the following events occurred:

  1. where it was made public for the first time for the purpose of public interest when a state of emergency or an extraordinary situation occurred in the country.
  2. where it was first exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinese Government;
  3. where it was first made public at a prescribed academic or technological meeting, meaning an academic or technological conference organized by a competent department of the State Council or by a national academic association, and an academic or technological conference recognized by a competent department of the State Council and organized by an international organization;
  4. where it was disclosed by any person without the consent of the applicant.

For any of the circumstances 1 and 4 listed above, the patent administration department under the State Council may require the applicant to submit the supporting documents within the specified time limit.

Disclosure of the invention not to be taken into consideration if it occurred no earlier than 6 months before the filing date (or filing date of the corresponding designated patent application) due to:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or any proprietor of the invention for the time being; or
  2. the fact that the applicant or any proprietor of the invention for the time being has displayed the invention at a prescribed exhibition or meeting.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. an Office which incorrectly published the contents of the patent application filed by the inventor or his successor in title;
  3. a third party who obtained the information from the inventor or his successor in title.

Costa Rica:

The state of the art does not include disclosure of an invention within one year before the filing date (priority date) resulting from:

  1. acts done directly or indirectly by the inventor or his successor in title; or
  2. non-performance of a contract or illicit acts against any of them.

The disclosure resulting from a publication made by an industrial property Office in the process of granting a patent shall be included in the state of the art, except for the case of a patent applicant, or when the application in question has been filed by a person who did not have the right to obtain the patent or when the publication has been made unlawfully.

Côte d’Ivoire:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an obvious abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to or in consequence of:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the patent applicant or his legal predecessor; or
    (b) the display of the invention by the patent applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall indicate, when filing the application, that the invention has been so displayed, and shall file a certificate to that effect not later than four months from the filing date.


No provision.

Czech Republic:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor,
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially-recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall indicate in the application at time of filing that the invention has been so displayed, and submit a certificate within four months from the filing date.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date in consequence of

  1. evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title,
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an abuse committed by a third party in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title; or
  2. acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title.

Dominican Republic:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date due to:

  1. acts committed by the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. breach of trust, non-compliance with a contract or illicit act against the inventor or successor in title;
  3. application was filed by a person not entitled to a patent, or where there was undue publication.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. an Office which incorrectly published the contents of the patent application filed by the inventor or his successor in title;
  3. a person who obtained the information from the inventor or his successor in title;
  4. an official order;
  5. a manifest abuse to the detriment of the inventor or his successor in title;
  6. an officially recognized exhibition or publication of academic or research purposes. In that case the person concerned shall, on filing his application, submit a declaration stating that the invention actually was shown, together with the appropriate certificate.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date by the display of the invention in a national or international exhibition.

El Salvador:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. due to an abuse of confidence, breach of contract or other unlawful act against the inventor or his successor in title.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. a person who obtained information from the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure to the public of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred within 12 months preceding the filing date or, where applicable the priority date of the application and if it was by reason or in consequence of acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title or an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall declare at the time of filing that the invention has been so displayed, and furnish proof to that effect within a prescribed time limit.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

(a) by action of an inventor or his/her successor in title;
(b) if information for the third party is disclosed, directly or indirectly, on the condition of confidentiality;
(c) as a result of third person’s action in bad faith against the inventor or his/her successor.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition notified in the Federal Law Gazette.
  2. The applicant shall state when filing the application that the invention has been so displayed, and file a certificate within four months.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date).


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse of the rights of the applicant or predecessor in title;
    (b) display of the invention at an officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state when filing the application that the invention has been so displayed, and shall file a certificate.


The state of the art does not include disclosure of an invention within one year before the filing date (priority date) resulting from:

  1. acts performed directly or indirectly by the inventor or right holder or a breach of contract by a third party or an unlawful act against any of them;
  2. publication of applications by an industrial property Office abroad;
  3. publication of the application in the patent granting process where the patent was filed by a person who was not entitled to that patent or the applications were published as a result of an error by the Office.


The state of the art does not include disclosure within one year before the filing date (priority date); as a result, the patent application shall not be refused, invalidated or cancelled owing to occurrences in the interim from:

  1. acts carried out by the applicant himself or by a third party;
  2. abuse, non-performance of a contract or illicit acts against the applicant or his assignee;
  3. publication of applications by other industrial property offices.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an abuse of the rights of the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an exhibition specified in the announcement by the President of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office published in the Official Gazette.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially organized exhibition.


An invention shall not be deemed to have been anticipated by:

  1. Disclosures at any time before the filing date (priority date) of matter obtained from, and published without the consent of, the inventor or his successor in title (provided that the invention was not commercially worked in India, otherwise than for the purpose of reasonable trial, and that a patent application for the invention was filed in India or a convention country as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter).
  2. Other applications made in contravention of the rights of the inventors or his successor in title or public use or publication of the invention without the consent of the inventor or his successor in title by the applicants of such other applications or by any other person in consequence of the disclosure.
  3. Disclosures due to the communication of the invention to the Government or to any person authorized by the Government to investigate the invention or its merits, or for the purpose of that investigation.
  4. Disclosures within 12 months before the application is made (calculated from the opening of the exhibition or the reading or publication of the paper) by:
    (a) display or use of the invention with the consent of the inventor or his predecessor in title at an industrial or other exhibition notified in the Official Gazette;
    (b) publication of the invention in consequence of such display or use;
    (c) use of the invention during the period of the exhibition without the consent of the inventor or his predecessor in title;
    (d) description of the invention in a paper read by the inventor before a learned society, or published with his consent in the transactions of such a society.
  5. Disclosures within one year before the filing date (priority date) by public working the invention for reasonable trial, by or with the consent of the applicant or his predecessor in title.
  6. Publication of invention anywhere in the world or use of the invention in India at any time after the filing of the provisional specification or complete specification which is treated as provisional specification by virtue of a direction under sub-section (3) of section 9 of the Act.


  1. Disclosure shall not be deemed to be announced if it occurred within six months before the filing date by:
    (a) display of the invention at an official or officially recognized international exhibition, or in an official or officially recognized national exhibition in Indonesia;
    (b) use in Indonesia by the inventor for research or development.
  2. Disclosure shall not be deemed to be announced if it is occurred within 12 months before the filing date by any other person in breach of a confidentiality obligation.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) a breach of confidence or agreement in relation to the invention;
    (b) the unlawful obtaining of information concerning the invention;
    (c) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention has been so displayed, and file a certificate within a prescribed period.
  3. The Ministry may prescribe a period other than the six months and circumstances other than (a), (b), and (c) to give effect to any treaty or international conventions.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred at any time before the filing date of matter obtained from the applicant or his predecessor in title and published without his consent (provided that the patent application was filed within a reasonable time after the publication became known to the applicant).
  2. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date (calculated from the exhibition opening date) by:
    (a) display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an officially notified industrial or agricultural exhibition in Israel, or at a recognized exhibition in a Convention State;
    (b) publication by the applicant or his predecessor in title of a description of the invention at the time of a said exhibition;
    (c) use of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at, and for the purposes, of the exhibition;
    (d) use of the invention at the time of the exhibition (either at the exhibition or outside it and with or without the applicant’s consent).
  3. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date (calculated from the date of the lecture or publication) by a lecture by the inventor before a scientific society, or by publication of the lecture in official transactions of the society, subject to prior notice to the Registrar.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an evident abuse to the prejudice of the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention at an official or officially recognized exhibition.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within one year before the filing date:
    (a) against the will of the person having the right to obtain a patent; or
    (b) as a result of an act of the person having the right to obtain a patent (excluding the case in which it has been disclosed through the publication in the bulletin pertaining to inventions, utility models, designs or trademarks).
  2. The applicant shall submit (in the case of 1 (b) above):
    (a) a written statement to that effect at the time of filing; and
    (b) proof, within 30 days of the filing date, that the disclosure was in respect of the invention.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor;
  2. due to an abuse made by third parties against the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Public disclosure of information, relating to the invention, by the author (applicant) or any person having obtained the information directly or indirectly from them, including the demonstration of an invention as an exhibit at an official or officially recognized international exhibition organized in the state-party to the Paris Convention, shall not be deemed as affecting the patentability of the invention, if the application for the invention was filed within six months after said disclosure of information or displaying it at the exhibition. The burden of proof of the foregoing shall be on the applicant.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an evident abuse committed by a third party in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title.

Kyrgyz Republic:

Disclosure of information relating to an invention by the author of the invention, applicant, or other person having received this information directly or indirectly from them, that made information on the essence of the invention public, shall not be a circumstance precluding the recognition of the patentability of the invention if it occurred no earlier than twelve months preceding the filing of the patent application or before the date of priority, if priority is claimed. The patentee must provide proof relating to facts which would support the application of the grace period rule.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) the inventor or his successor in title;
    (b) due to incorrect disclosure by the Office of information in another application filed by the same inventor, and the Office was not permitted to disclose this information;
    (c) in an application filed, without the inventor's knowledge or permission, by a person who obtained the information from the inventor;
    (d) by a person who obtained the information from the inventor.
  2. The effect of the grace period may be invoked at any time. In the event of a dispute, burden of proof is on applicant or patent owner.


Disclosure within six months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an obvious abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
    (in accordance with the agreements with Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA))


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date:

(a) due to an abuse with respect to the inventor or his successor in title;
(b) by display of the invention by the inventor or his successor in title at an official or officially recognized exhibition.

The burden of proof is on the applicant.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state when filing the application that the invention has been so displayed, and file a certificate within a prescribed period.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty due to:

  1. display of the invention by the applicant or his successors in title at an officially recognized exhibition in Madagascar, or in the Member States of the Paris Convention if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date), subject to the submission of a recognized certificate attesting the participation of the inventor or his successor in title in such exhibition during which the public was made aware of the object incorporating the patentable invention;
  2. an obvious abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure disregarded from the prior art if it occurred within one year before the filing date due to:

  1. acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. an abuse of the rights of the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  3. a pending application in UK as at the date of coming into force of the Act (Patents Act 291 of 1983).


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the inventor;
  2. incorrect disclosure by an Office of information contained in another application filed by the applicant;
  3. publication of an application filed, without the knowledge or consent of the inventor, by a person who obtained the information from the inventor;
  4. a person who obtained the information from the inventor.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


  1. The object of an application shall not be deemed to be in the state of the art where the inventor, his successor in title or, where applicable, a third party who has obtained that information from one of the former, has, directly or indirectly, disclosed it within the 12 months prior to the filing date (priority date).
  2. Publication in an application, patent or registration by the Institute or by another industrial property entity abroad shall not be covered by the considerations set forth in the previous paragraph, unless said publication occurred by an error attributable to those authorities or where the application has been filed without authorization by a third party who obtained the information, directly or indirectly, from the inventor.
  3. The applicant shall, upon filing the application, state that the invention has been disclosed within the meaning of paragraph 1.

Republic of Moldova:

  1. Disclosure of an invention shall not to be taken into consideration if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing date of the patent application and if it was due to, or in consequence of:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) the fact that the applicant of his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an international exhibition. An exhibition shall be considered international if it is officially organized, if producers of more states participate therein and if the information about such exhibition has correspondingly been made available to the public.


No provision.


Disclosure of an invention shall not be taken into consideration in the following cases:

  1. if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date and was undertaken, authorized or obtained from the applicant.
  2. disclosure resulting from publication, after the filing date, of an earlier application due to an evident abuse with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.
  3. display of the invention for the first time by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition held in the territory of one of the countries of the Paris Union.

The applicant shall declare when filing the application that the invention has been so displayed.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) by the inventor or his successor in title, to a scientific or professional institution or publication, or in official or officially recognized competition, exhibition or trade fair;
    (b) due to an obvious abuse against the inventor or his successor in title.
  2. In the case of 1(a) above, the inventor shall, when filing the application, submit a written declaration that the invention was exhibited or disclosed, and provide evidence to that effect within three months after the filing date.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor, or
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention has been so displayed, and submit proof within a prescribed period.

New Zealand:

A disclosure of an invention must be disregarded as prior art if one or more of the following applies:

  1. The disclosure occurred any time before the filing date of the New Zealand application due to communication to a government department, or to an authorized person to investigate the invention on its merits.
  2. The disclosure occurred within one year before the filing date of the New Zealand application:
    i) if obtained unlawfully or breach of confidence; or
    ii) if disclosed by any person deriving title from the inventor, or having consent from such person, if and only if necessary for purpose of reasonable trial.
  3. The disclosure occurred within six months before the filing date of the New Zealand application at a specified exhibition, with consent of the inventor, or in consequence of such exhibition.
  4. The disclosure occurred within one year before the patent date (complete specification filing date) of the New Zealand application by the patentee or nominated person, or person deriving title or having consent.


Disclosure not to be considered as the state of the art if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. publication of a patent application due to an error on the part of the Office;
  2. publication of a patent application filed by a person not entitled to the grant of a patent;
  3. acts, other than filing a patent application, by the inventor or his successor in title;
  4. acts committed in breach of contract or unlawfully against the inventor or his successor in title.


Disclosure not to be deemed to have been made available to the public if it occurred within six months before the filing date by display of the invention by the inventor or his successor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition as described in the Convention Relating to International Exhibitions of 22 November 1928, as last amended on 24 June 1982.

Republic of North Macedonia:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized exhibition.


Disclosure not to be taken into account if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by reason or inconsequence of acts committed by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date due to display of the invention at an official or officially recognized international exhibition. If later on, the right of priority is invoked, then the period shall start from the date of introduction of the article into the exhibition. The controller may require proof, with such documentary evidence as considered necessary, of the identity of the article exhibited and the date of its introduction into the exhibition.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. publication of an application filed by a person not entitled to the grant of a patent;
  2. publication of an application due to an error on the part of the Office.
  3. an act engaged in by, or committed in breach of trust or contract or unlawfully against, the inventor or his successor in title.

Papua New Guinea:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining prior art if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse committed with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


The state of the art does not include disclosure of an invention within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) resulting from:

  1. acts done directly or indirectly by the inventor or his successor in title; or
  2. non-performance of a contract or illicit acts against any of them;
  3. publication by the Patent Office of a patent application based on information obtained from the inventor and filed without his consent;
  4. publication of a patent application due to an error on the part of the Office.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within one year before the filing date in the member country [of the Cartagena Agreement]:

  1. by the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. due to incorrect publication by an Office of a patent application filed by the inventor or his successor in title;
  3. by a person who obtained the information from the inventor or his successor in title.


The disclosure of information contained in the application during the twelve (12) months preceding the filing date or the priority date of the application shall not prejudice the applicant on the ground of lack of novelty if such disclosure was made by:

a. The inventor;
b. A patent office and the information was contained (a) in another application filed by the inventor and should not have been disclosed by the office, or (b) in an application filed without the knowledge or consent of the inventor by a third party which obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor; or
c. A third party which obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor.

"Inventor" also means any person who, at the filing date of application, had the right to the patent.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing of the patent application and if it was due to:

  1. evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title on the territory of the Republic of Poland or elsewhere in the world, at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.


  1. Disclosure in official or officially recognised exhibitions falling within the terms of the Convention of International Exhibitions if the application for the patent is filed in Portugal within six months;
  2. Disclosure resulting from evident abuse of any kind in relation to the inventor or his successor in title or publications made unduly by the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI);
  3. Paragraph 1. above shall only apply if the applicant proves, within one month as of the date of filing the patent application, that the invention was actually displayed or disclosed as set forth in said paragraph and submits a certificate issued by the body in charge of the exhibition indicating the date on which

Republic of Korea:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within twelve months before the filing date:
    (a) by the person with the right to obtain a patent (excluding the disclosure made by a national or foreign Office according to legislations or international treaties);
    (b) contrary to the intention of the person with the right to obtain a patent.
  2. In the case of 1(a) above, the applicant shall state the intention to have 1(a) above applied in the application and, within 30 days from the filing date, a document proving the relevant facts.
  3. Regardless of 2 above, where the applicant pays complement fees, it is allowed to submit a document stating the intention to have 1(a) above applied or another document to prove relevant facts within one of the following periods.
    (a) Period of amendment.
    (b) From the receiving date of a copy of a decision of allowance or a trial decision to cancel a decision of refusal (limited to trial decision which decided registration) to the earlier date of 3 months after the receiving date or the date to obtain registration of establishment of the patent right.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date:

(a) due to an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
(b) by display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized exhibition.

The applicant shall:

(a) when filing the application, state that the invention has been displayed at the exhibition;
(b) within four months after the filing date, file a certificate and a description of the invention attested by the exhibition management, and indicate the exhibition opening date and the date of the first disclosure.

Russian Federation:

  1. Disclosure is not taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date by:
    (a) inventor
    (b) applicant;
    (c) any person who directly or indirectly obtained this information from the inventor or applicant (including as a result of exposing the invention at an exhibition), thereby making information about the essence of the invention publicly available
  2. The burden of proof is on the applicant.

Saint Lucia:

No provision.

Saudi Arabia:

Cases of disclosure of inventions and industrial designs which are not considered as part of the previous state of technology shall be as follows:

  1. If the disclosure occurred in the last six months preceding the date of filing the application or the date of the priority claim due to arbitrary acts against the applicant or his predecessor.
  2. If the disclosure occurred as a result of displaying it in an officially recognized international exhibition in one of the countries of the Paris Union during the year preceding the filing of the application for the patent.


  1. Disclosure not be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an officially recognized exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention has been so exhibited, and shall file a certificate within four months of the filing date.


  1. Disclosure of matter constituting an invention is to be disregarded if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date due to:
    (a) the matter having been obtained unlawfully or in breach of confidence by any person from the inventor or any other person to whom the matter was made available in confidence;
    (b) breach of confidence by any person who obtained the matter in confidence;
    (c) display of the invention by the inventor at an international exhibition;
    (d) a description of the invention in a paper read by, or with the consent of, or on behalf of the inventor before a learned society, or published with his consent in the transactions of a learned society, whereby “learned society” includes any club or association constituted in Singapore or elsewhere whose main objective is the promotion of any branch of learning or science; or
    (e) any other disclosure made to the public by the inventor or by a person who obtained the matter directly or indirectly from the inventor (subject to points 2. and 3. below).
  2. Where disclosure takes place due to the publication of an application of an intellectual property administrator, the disclosure shall not be taken into account in determining novelty in relation to the application if that is:
    (a) filed without the consent of the inventor, by a person who obtained the matter directly or indirectly from the inventor; or
    (b) erroneously published, because the application had been withdrawn, refused or abandoned before the publication date, and consequently, the publication was not required.
  3. Where the publication of an application by an intellectual property administrator was erroneous by reason that the publication occurred earlier than provided under the law or treaty governing the application, the disclosure of the matter is to be treated as disclosed to the public on the date when the publication should have occurred under that law or treaty.

Slovak Republic:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially-recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall declare, when filing the application, that the invention has been so exhibited, and shall file a certificate to that effect within four months of the filing date.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to, or in consequence of:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
  2. the fact that the applicant or his legal predecessor has displayed the invention at an official, or officially recognized, international exhibition.

The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention has been so displayed and shall file a supporting certificate.

South Africa:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred any time before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. knowledge or matter obtained from the applicant or his predecessor in title and disclosed or used without his knowledge or consent (provided that, where the applicant learnt of that disclosure, use or knowledge before the filing date (priority date), he then applied for protection with reasonable diligence);
  2. working the invention in South Africa, by the applicant or his predecessor in title, for reasonable technical trial or experiment.


Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining the state of the art if it occurred during the six months preceding the filing date and if it was due to, or in consequence of:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized exhibition within the meaning of the Convention on International Exhibitions signed at Paris on November 22, 1928 and last revised on November 30, 1972. The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention has been so displayed and, in support of that statement, shall file the required certificate within the period and in the form laid down in the regulations.

Sri Lanka:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within one year before the filing date by the applicant or his predecessor in title.
  2. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to an abuse of the rights of the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:

  1. evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) due to:
    (a) a manifest abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor;
    (b) display of the invention by the applicant or his predecessor in title at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall declare, when filing the application, that the invention has been so exhibited, and produce sufficient supporting evidence in good time.

Syrian Arab Republic:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining novelty in the following two cases:
    (a) If the disclosure was made during twelve months preceding the filing date (priority date) of the patent application, and this disclosure occurs directly or indirectly as a result of clear abuse towards the applicant or his legal predecessor.
    (b) If the disclosure of the invention was made in national or international exhibitions during the year preceding the filing of the patent application.
    The applicant must comply with the established procedure by filing for the required certificate within the period and in the form laid down in the regulations.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date by:
    (a) the inventor or applicant;
    (b) a person who obtained information from the inventor or applicant.
  2. The burden of proof is on the applicant.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date due to:

  1. matter obtained unlawfully;
  2. disclosure made by the inventor;
  3. display of the invention by the inventor at an international or official exhibition.

Trinidad and Tobago:

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within one year before the filing date:

  1. by the applicant or his predecessor in title;
  2. due to an abuse committed by a third party with regard to the applicant or his predecessor in title.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) due to a manifest abuse practiced on the applicant or his predecessor in title.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date):
    (a) by the inventor;
    (b) by an authority to which the application for a patent was made and the information released by this authority;
    (c) in another application filed by the inventor which should not have been disclosed by the authority;
    (d) in an application filed, without the knowledge or consent of the inventor by a third party who obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor;
    (e) by a third party who acquired information directly or indirectly from the inventor.
  2. The burden of proof is on the party invoking this paragraph.


A disclosure of the invention shall not be taken into consideration if it occurred within twelve months before the filing date or, where applicable, the priority date of the application and if it was by reason or in consequence of:

(a) Acts committed by the applicant or his or her predecessor in title; or
(b) An evident abuse committed by a third party in relation to the applicant or his or her predecessor in title.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) by:
    (a) the inventor;
    (b) a person who obtained information from the inventor.
  2. The burden of proof is on the person interested in applying the provisions of paragraph 1.

United Kingdom:

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date due to:
    (a) matter directly or indirectly obtained unlawfully or in breach of confidence from the inventor;
    (b) display of the invention by the inventor at an international exhibition.
  2. The applicant shall state, when filing the application, that the invention was displayed, and furnish written evidence within a prescribed time limit.

United States of America:

For applications filed on or after March 16, 2013 (after AIA):

Disclosure made one year or less before the effective filing date of a claimed invention shall not be prior art to the claimed invention for the determination of novelty and inventive step if:

  1. the disclosure was made by the inventor or joint inventor or by another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor;
  2. the subject matter disclosed had, before such disclosure, been publicly disclosed by the inventor or a joint inventor or another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor.

For applications filed before March 16, 2013 (before Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA)):

Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining novelty and inventive step if it occurred within one year before the filing date in the form of:

  1. inventions patented or described in a printed publication in the US or abroad;
  2. public use or on sale in the US.


Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within one year before the filing date (priority date) by:

  1. the inventor or his successor in title;
  2. a person who obtained information from the inventor.


  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date by:
    (a) the inventor or applicant;
    (b) a person who received information from the inventor or applicant.
  2. The inventor or applicant shall prove the circumstances of the disclosure.


Exceptions to allow the novelty requirement of a patent not to be destroyed either because the patent has been made available to the public or has been disclosed or used:

  1. where a patent is worked or used by way of reasonable technical trial or experiment by the applicant or any person or persons from or through whom such applicant has derived his right or title;
  2. application for the patent relating to the Paris Convention for the protection of industrial property if lodged in Zambia within twelve months after the effective or priority date of the first application in the first convention country;
  3. where the invention is communicated through any agreement or arrangement made by or on behalf of the government of Zambia with the government of any country for the supply or mutual exchange of information or articles relating to the invention, and as a result of such agreement or arrangement the invention is published, made, used, exercised or vended, or an application for a patent has been granted on such an application;
  4. where the invention applied for was published , used or known prior to the effective or priority date of the application and the applicant proves that the publication or use was made without his knowledge or consent, and that the matter published or used was derived or obtained from him.


The exhibition at an industrial or international exhibition certified as such by the Minister of an invention, or the publication subsequently of any description of the invention so exhibited by any person without the privity or consent of the inventor or the reading of a paper by the inventor before a learned society or the publication of such paper shall not prejudice the right of the inventor to apply for or obtain a patent in respect of the invention or the validity of any patent granted on the application if:

  1. the application for a patent is made not later than six months from the date of the opening of the exhibition or the reading or publication of that paper, as the case may be; and
  2. the inventor has, before exhibiting the invention or reading such paper or permitting such publication, given to the Registrar the prescribed notice of his intention to do so.

Regional Offices

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI):

Disclosure of an invention not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within 12 months before the filing date (priority date) due to:

  1. an obvious abuse in relation to the applicant or the author of the application;
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or the author at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.

African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO):

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date), by display of the invention at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.

Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO):

  1. Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining patentability if it occurred within six months before the filing date (priority date) by:
    (a) the inventor or applicant;
    (b) any person who obtained the information directly or indirectly from the inventor or applicant.
  2. The burden of proof is on the applicant.

European Patent Organisation (EPO):

Disclosure not to be taken into consideration in determining the state of the art if it occurred no earlier than six months preceding the filing date due to, or in consequence of:

  1. an evident abuse in relation to the applicant or his legal predecessor, or
  2. display of the invention by the applicant or his legal predecessor at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.

Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC):

Disclosure not to be taken into account in determining novelty if it occurred due to:

  1. abusive actions of others against the applicant or his predecessor in title within 12 months before the filing date (priority date);
  2. display of the invention at an officially recognized exhibition within six months before the filing date.

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