Patent Consulting for Certification Systems

September 19, 2024

To enhance market competitiveness through certifications such as Excellent Procurement, NEP, and NET, companies need a thorough patent strategy. Pine Patent Law Office offers tailored consulting services not only for patent registration but also to help clients succeed in obtaining these certifications. By emphasizing technical superiority, we support companies in successfully acquiring the certifications they aim for.

1. Patent Requirements for Different Certifications

The patent requirements for each certification vary, and failing to meet these essential criteria can result in rejection, regardless of the technology's excellence. For example, the Excellent Procurement Certification has particularly strict standards, closely examining how the claims in a patent are applied to the actual product.

Performance Certification

  • Patent Application Verification Certificate Not Required: While a verification certificate from the Patent Information Center is not necessary, the correlation between the main components mentioned in the patent and the performance listed in the application is crucial.
  • Comparison Chart Preparation: Even if the key components of the product and the independent claims of the patent do not fully match, a well-prepared comparison chart can validate patent application.

Excellent Procurement

  • Patent Application Verification Certificate Required: A certificate from the Korea Patent Technology Promotion Agency is mandatory.
  • Perfect Application of Claims Required: All elements of the independent claims must be reflected in the actual product, and alignment between the technology and the product is essential.


  • Listing Relevant Patents: It’s important to list all patents related to the technology, highlighting the key patents most relevant to the technology in question. Although perfect application of patents is not required for NET and NEP, proving the relevance of the patents is critical.

2. The Importance of Patents in Technical Certifications

In the certification review process, patents serve as an essential measure of the product's excellence and innovation. Major certifications like Excellent Product, NEP, and NET include patent experts on their review panels, who meticulously evaluate both technical descriptions and patent content.

Patent Review by Evaluators: One-third of the evaluation committee members in technical certification are patent experts. They focus on the thoroughness of the patent description and how well it supports the technology presented by the product. A well-drafted patent specification can significantly enhance the perceived technical excellence of the product.

Consistency Between Application and Patent: To secure a certification, it is crucial that the patent aligns with the technical details in the certification application. A well-crafted patent specification that clearly explains the product's core technology and supports the technical aspects highlighted in the application will lead to a more favorable evaluation.

3. Key Patent Strategies for Certification Success in 2024

With stricter certification criteria expected in 2024, it’s critical to develop a meticulous patent strategy. Pine Patent Law Office ensures that a company's core technology meets certification requirements by patenting key technologies and preparing solid evidence to support the certification process.

Core Technology Patenting: To achieve certification success, it is essential that the core technology, rather than supplementary features, is patented. For certifications like Excellent Procurement and Performance Certification, a clear explanation of the core technology, supported by test results, is a must.

Linking Test Results and Patents: We ensure that the core technology is protected by a patent, while also preparing test results that prove the technology’s superior performance. This dual approach enhances both the patent’s technological innovation and the likelihood of certification success.

Emphasizing Core Technology in Excellent Procurement Certification: For Excellent Procurement certification, the technology mentioned in the patent claims must be directly connected to the product’s fundamental functions. We provide a patent registration strategy that simultaneously meets the criteria for technological innovation and certification success.

4. Differentiated Certification Patent Services

Pine Patent Law Office goes beyond simple patent registration by offering integrated support for drafting patent specifications and preparing certification applications. We carefully adjust the technical and patent-related aspects to ensure high evaluation scores during certification reviews.

Patent Specification Reflecting Evaluation Criteria: We draft detailed patent specifications that consider the requirements of Excellent Product evaluators, highlighting the product's technological excellence during the review process.

Professional Diagrams: Using professional patent diagrams, we clearly explain the product's technical components, leaving a positive impression on both patent examiners and certification evaluators.

Consistency Between Application and Technical Description: We ensure that patent specifications and certification applications are aligned, helping evaluators clearly understand the product’s technical value.

Collaboration with External Consulting Firms: Depending on the client’s needs, we collaborate with external consulting firms experienced in Excellent Procurement consulting to increase the chances of success.

5. Role of Integrated Patent and Certification Consulting

Pine Patent Law Office deeply analyzes a company’s technology and products to provide integrated consulting that supports both patent registration and certification. This helps increase the likelihood of patent registration while also supporting certification success.

Securing Technological Advancement: We analyze the necessary technological advancements required for a client’s technology to be recognized as patentable, then formulate a custom patent strategy. By emphasizing the originality and differentiation of the technology, we help ensure a positive evaluation from the certification review committee.

Linking Technology and Certification: By integrating technology and certification requirements, we ensure that the client’s product is patented based on technology that meets certification criteria, thereby maximizing the chances of certification success.

6. IP R&D for Patent Creation and Technology Improvement

Pine Patent Law Office offers IP R&D services that analyze the client’s technology in-depth, allowing simultaneous patent and certification progress. Through comparative analysis with competitors, we help secure a technological edge and propose directions for technological improvements aimed at certification success.

Competitor Technology Analysis: We analyze the patents and technologies of competitors with registered Excellent Procurement products, identifying areas where the client’s technology can surpass theirs. Based on this, we prepare for simultaneous patent registration and certification applications.

Technology Improvement and Patent Creation: By identifying unique elements that differentiate the client’s technology from competitors, we improve the product and register the resulting advancements as patents, reinforcing the client’s technological superiority. This process also enhances the product’s evaluation in the certification review.

7. Understanding the Excellent Procurement Designation System

The Excellent Procurement designation system supports the supply of high-quality goods through direct contracts with public institutions, while also providing market access for SMEs and ventures. Pine Patent Law Office helps clients secure this designation by offering integrated support for patent registration and certification preparation.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria: To be designated as an Excellent Product, not only must the technology be superior, but documentation like patents and performance certifications must also be provided. We prepare this documentation thoroughly to ensure high scores for our clients.

Evaluation Process: After an initial evaluation of technology and quality, a final decision on designation is made during the second review by the Contract Review Committee. Pine Patent Law Office provides the necessary materials and strategies for success throughout this process.

8. Key Factors in Excellent Procurement Selection

To be selected as an Excellent Procurement product, a company must demonstrate not only technical excellence but also proper documentation and the company’s technical credibility. Pine Patent Law Office offers tailored consulting to highlight the client's technological strengths.

Documentation Accuracy: Essential quantitative indicators, such as the Patent Application Verification Certificate and Performance Certification, must be meticulously prepared, as their accuracy plays a crucial role in the certification review.

Emphasizing Technical Credibility: In addition to the product’s technological superiority, it’s important to emphasize the company’s technical credibility. We help clients highlight this in both presentations and documentation, ensuring it plays a prominent role during evaluation.

9. 2024 Public Procurement Trust Score Evaluation Criteria

The criteria for trust score evaluations in public procurement will change in 2024, making it harder to secure additional points. Pine Patent Law Office helps clients secure the maximum possible trust score in light of these changes.

Updated Points Criteria: Points will still be awarded for categories like venture companies and green technology certifications. We guide clients in leveraging these opportunities to secure the highest possible trust score.

Latest Trust Score Strategies: We provide the latest certification strategies to help clients maximize their trust scores, thereby increasing their chances of being selected for Excellent Procurement.

10. Patent Application Verification Certificate Issuance Process

The Patent Application Verification Certificate is a mandatory document for Excellent Procurement certification applications. Pine Patent Law Office assists clients throughout the entire issuance process. The certificate, issued by the Korea Patent Technology Promotion Agency, is essentially a claim chart, and we help clients obtain it based on the materials they provide.

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